Sunday, May 21, 2017

Governments & Religious Leaders

I had a most disturbing experience on one of the social Sites. I witnessed first hand two videos of pornography that was accidentally sent by a current high ranking Ghanaian government official. Or was it  an accident?

In communicating my dismay regarding the videos, the Spirit spoke:

"Calamities are and will come. Ghana have rejected those  who have been sent to bring them into light.  The army worm is only the beginning.

IAM is going to bring all those dark secrets into the light. Watch and see how these warped perverted governments and religious leaders are going to fall. 

The world needs Africa but in coming against My people,  in  doing harm attempting to destroy  the Ancients of  Days royal seed,  just like the Pharaoh thought he cursed Israel's firstborn,  they have cursed themselves."

The things coming upon this World are not going to be nice.  Mother Earth (Gaia) is preparing to shake from Her inner core to ride Herself of all discrepancies and those out of sync with Her. 

You see,  Africa is the second largest Continent in the World She has the only free land mass available to relieve the projected world overcrowding that is expected to grow exponentially by the year 2020.  

China is the largest Continent, however it is overpopulated. Russia is the largest country in area. The only other available land mass is the Amazon rain forest, which is protected. 

Why is this important?  Merely because it is relevant to the 'calamities' coming upon Ghana, Africa and the World; the US Depopulation Agenda against third-world countries (National Security Study Memorandum200) and  reasons other countries have a vested interest in Africa other than Her natural resources is Her land. This is why the increased attention of Africa  with the USA in a competition race with China.

Everything is connected. Perhaps one can see why the US was intent on sticking their nose in Russia's business. Another side-bar is we can surmise why Mr. Trumps collaboration with Russia is. However, I cannot figure out what Mr. Putin's agenda of partnership is with Mr. Trump. Particularly, since Russia is well aware of the Ancients of Days--Africa's Ancestors as with the entities of the 'controlling fraction' of the Western elite.

The entire World will experience catastrophic events; some countries are already feeling the effects of the anomalies in the earth’s atmosphere. These anomalies are in the forms of tsunamis, earthquakes, tidal waves, falling comets and space debris along with other notable atmospheric and 'earthy' changes. 

The World is in deep dodo unless they repent. Ghana is in deep dodo unless they repent.  We must stop polluting and destroying the earth. We must   stop the wars, contention and strife and without a doubt stop killing the Ancestors progeny.

Ghana has been set-apart and chosen as the hub of Restoration for the entire Continent and the Ancients of Days is no longer overlooking governments or religious leaders folly.  I will leave you with this Second Chronicle (7:14) from the bible:

“If I restrain the heavens to not rain; or if I misvah (command) the locusts to devour the land; or if I send pestilence among My people; if My people, on whom My Name (Yah Huda) is called humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways; then I hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land”.   
Previous prophecies received for Ghana and the USA:

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Beyond the Veil Revisited

“Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness in our speech, and are not as Moses, who used to put a veil over his face that the Sons of Israel might not look intently at the end of what was fading away. But their minds were hardened; until this very day at the reading of the Old Covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed 'In-Christ'. To this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart; but whenever a man turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away...But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the 'same Image' from glory to glory.”

The Viel or Vail is specifically the door screen that separated the Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies) from the Holy Place. It is defined as a 'separatrix'—to break apart; more specifically, something that divides or separates, as a line between the light and dark areas on a partially illuminated surface.

In the messages Tent Of Tabernacle and Zion, the various levels, components of the esoteric prophetic significance of the Tabernacle were expounded upon. 

One is not complete until their spirit is capable of ascension into the Holy Place or they have stepped beyond the Holy Place through the Veil. Coming to completeness, perfection and/or Teleios, which is under the auspice of  Spirit through pure intent. This has been called the Higher Self. It is through Innate that  bridges the gap to ones higher self that resides beyond the veil. 

One must be pliable to Spirit, yielding their spirit, dying to their own self-will, ego, mind and emotions, all the old dark conscious energies; all the false religious doctrines of the traditions of men. Once self has been crucified, the next step is the transformation of mind and spirit. This will aid one in letting go of the 'filters' and dysfunctions that prevents one recovery of mind and remembering who they are and why they are here on this earth. This letting go or primaling will giving one ability and capacity to enter into the Holy Place. From the Holy Place into the Most Holy Place  beyond the Veil.  

The Veil is the Portal to immorality. The Veil is the path to bridging the gap between ones corporal self and their incorporeal or higher self.

Metaphorically speaking, the veil in the Temple (fleshly body) that represents a separation from the Creator; where ones  soul is disjointed  from their spirit. A disjointed soul and spirit cannot be united with the higher self, which is the G-D part of them. 

Spiritually and esoterically speaking, the veil is a shield that protects human flesh from disintegrating as a result of the powerful energy of their full spiritual potential.  The veil serves as a implement of diffusion of the powerful god energy humans possess on the other side.

This separation is a veil or one's 'clouded'  lower consciousness. This clouded consciousness needs to be 'ripped' or 'torn' in order for one to enter beyond the Veil. One can then pass from the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies, which represents coming into Divine Union and restoration with The Whole.

Once one goes beyond  the Veil or come face to Face with the that god part of them, the Creator, they have entered the New Jerusalem or Mt. ZION. These are they who have made the Shift into god or christ consciousness who are capable of traversing their earthly existence into the multiplicity of spiritual realms; from mortality to immorality while maintaining their earthly existence. Catch that vision!

These are restored spiritual beings who channel or proclaim truth from ZION; those enlightened spiritual guides; those Light Workers distributing Light, love and compassion into a dark world. 

As Scripture says, “Now it shall come about that in the last days, The Mountain of the House of the Lord will be established...and all the Nations will stream to it that He may teach us His Way's and that we may walk in His Paths. For the Law will go forth from ZION and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem".

Humans must know that the Bible included metaphors and parables that depicted or elucidated from a divine language into a 3-D language that humans of every language and nation could understand. It has a message for everyone who can “hear” whose “Eye” have been opened. This Light deals with everyone at whatever level they are. However, Religion has perverted and humanized divine concepts linearzing G-D of whom they still do not understand. 

It is the job of spiritual leaders and religious leaders to be at the highest spiritual level in order to “rightly divide”, interpret and tailor the divine language to teach and meet the needs for humans to grow in the knowledge of truth; and to live it themselves. Someone cannot teach something they do not have or do not know! My daddy use to say, "A man don't know what he don't know".

Thus, the problem with religion. Many teach what I call the topical  aspects of the Scriptures and the bible; those safe convoluted messages of basic principles that even children know something is not right. This they do because they dare not  go venture beyond the veil. Just as the priest of old could not enter in because of their impurities and fleshly nature, only the High Priest entered in once a year. However, now, the veil has been torn and beckons all to come into the reality and power of their higher self or that god part of them.

Prophetically, Jerusalem is a dwelling place of peace.  Jeru, means founding.  Truth is first found in the heart, the House of Bread or the Holy Place, which houses the Table of Show Bread. Symbolically, the heart of man  represents the center of Christ consciousness, safety, and harmony.

Scripture also talks about the people having access in ONE Spirit  as being fellow citizens of a Royal Household, “having being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (awakened and enlightened ones), Christ Himself being the Chief Corner Stone, in whom the 'whole' building being fitted together is 'growing' into 'a holy temple’...together into a dwelling ‘IN THE SPIRIT'”! This is called putting on the "Mind of a christ" and having the  “Testimony of (a) Christ”, which is the Spirit of Prophecy. 

Jerusalem do not always represent the physical state or geographical local of Israel as many suppose. Physically, Jerusalem represents the Holy City, prophetically and esoterically Jerusalem represents the higher consciousness of those dwelling in the Sacrificial Love of the Divine Prime Creator as christs. 

In the Book of Revelations Jerusalem is used symbolically to depict the redeemed state of humans as a Christ. This anointed or spiritual human abides in or is the channel or portal to the awakening of spiritual consciousness of mankind in love and peace.

The transformed christ-man dwells in the Holy Place while being 'fitted together' with the Whole as a christ  into god consciousness of their higher self. Here they feast at the 'Table of Show Bread' being purged from those things inconsistent with the Will for one's Life-Purpose until their spirit becomes ONE with Spirit. 

The veil or cloud will be removed by the Spirit. As one’s spirit touches Spirit all flesh melts. The veil is ripped into allowing one's spirit entry into the Holy Dwelling Place through the Spirit or Innate! 

It is in our knowing or conscious mind where all the work is done. It is in our subconscious mind or the Innate where Spirit transforms us using what has been imbued into our conscious thoughts. Until the conscious mind is primaled and emptied of a dysfunctional thought process or that old energy of the old paradigm; of an old  mindset has been renewed and restored, humans will continue to live below their means. 

It is in this old energy where everything contrary to Truth is stored; therefore, one cannot make the shift into restoration to go beyond the veil while holding onto the old.

Once the old is removed, Spirit then renews and implements our new thoughts in  reality of Truth! This implementation breaks down the walls of churchology, tradition, erroneous teachings and the dark energy of a beastly ego. The Spirit then continues to transform our consciousness until we give way to that which will propel us into a state of Christ Consciousness to become awakened. The choice to receive however, belongs to each one individually.  It’s called ‘free-will’.

The Christ-Man was a spiritual guide who came in fleshly form. Mankind is the physical manifestation of the Mind of the Creator.  Through years of living in disobedience darkness and chaos, eons of 'missing the mark', we lost recollection of who we are and who we were created to be. 

When the Christman yielded his spirit, this is when the Veil of the Temple was ripped! Christ did not enter a Holy Place made with hands but he appeared Face to Face before the Creator in ZION becoming the “First-Born among many”!  He showed us the path to follow! He was a perfect example.

Death had to take place for redemption under the old energy paradigm. "For we were sealed 'In-Him' with the Spirit of Promise as a pledge of our inheritance with a 'view' that our eyes may be enlightened so that we would know the hope of our calling to receive the riches of our Inheritance. Therefore,  humans may receive the Promise of Eternal Inheritance"! 

However, many are the Called! Few have Chosen who will utilize their free-will to walk the paths of righteousness, dying to the old, being resurrected, and restored into the new spiritual conscious energy; back to their original intent. Few will die to their self-will, mind, ego and emotions in order to be resurrected into Christ Consciousness. 

This means that we were all called to redemption, all were saved, however, few are the elect who have found their way or those 'Old Souls' or Light Workers that will enter into the Holy Place, beyond the Veil. However, the Way, Truth and Light is for all to receive.

When one enters beyond the veil, they come Face to Face with the Divine One and the divine within.

Where a Covenant is there must be a death. Therefore, we die to our self-will, mind and emotions to seal the Covenant of our Inheritance. Our Inheritance, through the first Will or  Old Covenant became valid with the death of the testator--The Christ-Man. Therefore, the Eternal Promises contained in the Old Will was ratified, coming within our reach and possession. 

The door or the portals has been opened for us to be restored to become a Christ in order to transcend this material fleshly realm; to ascend into the heavenlies beyond the Veil; to attain Mastery.

The New Covenant or the New and Living Way was: "I will put My Laws upon the Heart of Man   and in their minds I will write them”! Those who have, an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying! “The Will is not the Law but a legal document that the Law protects”!  Therefore, those of you who reject the provisions made  in the First Will or Old Testament rejects the entire Will! For the Creators Mind is the Will for mankind! The New Covenant or the New Will, was inaugurated through the Veil of Flesh that as he was so shall we be. This new will for us today or this new spiritual energy; this new shift of energy releases us from the restrictions of the flesh. Catch the vision!
Originally posted 11August2012

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New Heaven Hew Earth

According to the Promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, look for these things and be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless...the present heavens and earth BY HIS WORD are being reserved for FIRE, kept for the day of JUDGMENT and DESTRUCTION of ungodly  men...
The word for new is 'kainos', which means to be qualitatively new. This means not another or a replacement of, but something that has developed into a different adaptive state or condition; something that has evolved. 

Do not be put off by the usage of the word evolve. Christians have tendency to reject and/or misinterpret certain words. Evolve is growth and change; to become adaptive to a state or condition. A different perception, concept or element that one comes into the knowledge of, having been brought into being or have received revelation of.

In this case, dwelling in righteousness is when one has accepted redemption. They are being transformed from faith to faith and glory to glory. They are moving or growing and changing or they have moved on from the elementary basics of the Christ, being transformed by the 'Fire' Energy of the Spirit, receiving their Christ-Mind. This Christ Mind dwells in the 'new' or higher 'heavenly' realms. 

Let us now clarify the 'fire' of which many see as a negative or equate 'fire' and 'burning' to 'hell'. Often when we hear fire in Scriptures, our flesh consciousness sense destruction, evil or error. This fire represents cleansing and purification. It is the fire which purifies and refines human kind bringing them into righteousness. Fire represents a positive, affirmative state of mind. Fire is the true pure essence or the Divine Energy of Spirit .

G-D is a Consuming Fire dealing with humans in filtered  thought waves of energy in a language of metaphors at our level of understanding that we can grasp with our intuitive higher self. I have heard this referred to as a 'third' language. We humans could not survive a pure thought from the Divine Universal Intelligence of whom we call G-D. 

This fire burns off the dross of ones own self-will, mind and emotions. The embers constantly emit heat and light that purge the mind of all negative and erroneous thoughts and mindsets. It is a re calibration  that slowly awakens and prepares our consciousnesses, opening up our minds eye or the Third Eye. 

The fire burns into disintegration  any elements and thoughts contrary to righteousness within the mind, if allowed to. One, then, must understand the process in order to be pliable to the fire and burning of Spirit! The Fire of Spirit burns in man's mind and body consuming all things not necessary to maintain basic life's principles, until it manifests the Christ-man. 

The Spirit consumes the beastly consciousness of man, transliterating ones consciousness into Christ Consciousness, which is a higher vibration of telepathic communication. 

This is the creative energy that  makes all things new! This is the Judgment not a lake of fire! We are judged according to our own thoughts. We can either choose to make the process hell, by residing in the lower forms of life, rejecting Divine Law and Truth or we can allow our spirit to transmute our consciousness into the heavenly realms of judgments that brings us into Christ Consciousness Beyond the Veil into Divine Union! This is our ultimate earthly goal of the Promise of our inheritance! The choice to receive or forego is ours! G-D will love us just the same. 

Will you choose life or death? Will you choose to dwell in heaven or hell?
Jeremiah said, ‘it is like fire shut up in my bones”. Jeremiah was not talking about misusing, grieving or quenching Spirit by jumping around out of control, babbling in the googoo gaga language of other tongues, falling over backwards, getting drunk in Spirit while not receiving and/or understanding why Spirit was there and what it was there to accomplish! He was talking about that transforming fire that burns into the depths of ones soul, which brings growth, change, restoration, and a purity of knowing that one has been in the Presence of an all loving compassionate G-D.

Heaven and earth prophetically are two states of mind. Both are the manifestations of spiritual Laws and concepts of a Kingdom here on Earth! The spiritual side of heaven exists as a place of higher thoughts. We need to know that both the heavens and the earth are the manifestations of the Image and Likeness of the  Ideals  of   G-D's Thoughts!

Peter talks about the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the 'heavens' will pass away with a roar and the 'elements' will be destroyed with intense heat, and the 'earth' and it's 'works' will be burned up or consumed.  Since all these things are to be destroyed (or consumed) in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?”  It was a metaphor not a hell.

The day of the Lord will come as a thief! The day of the Lord is the day in which one's flesh will be consumed with the transformational fire of Spirit that will ignite and awaken our heart, mind and soul! 

The swiftness is the   result of Spirit moving to transform one who relent to Spirit in obedience and pliability to the interior works of Spirit. All we have to do is say, yes.  Give me what I need and it i done! We may not even be aware of it. The work of Spirit is quick and works within one in rapid velocity as one relent to their own false concepts of who they think G-D is to that of dwelling in righteousness, love, honor and respect for others and the earth. 

The speed of which one's nature, thoughts and change of consciousness occurs depends on how quickly one relent, have pure intent and want the inner workings. This is what the Scripture refers to when it states, “We Shall Be Changed" in the "Twinkling of an Eye"...we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is”. 

When one has been through the Fire, they receive ability and capacity to adapt to change, to be pliable, to discern and 'Shamah' (Hebrew: hear and obey) those things freely given through Spirit!

This 'fire' which causes the burning and the elements to melt with intense heat is rhetorical, symbolic and prophetic. Mankind in their lower beastly mindsets automatically take the literal or intellectual view of Scriptures. Therefore, missing the spiritual concepts,  intent,  Heart  and  Mind  of G-D. 

Peter also speaks of Paul according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you as also in all his letters speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction” . He warned the churches to be on guard “lest they be carried away by the error of unprincipled men” Just take a look at what is happening in churches all over the World today! 

It is plan to see that error is being taught instead of Truth. The people of have become acclimated to dwelling in the rudimentary basics of the literal aspects of Truth and the elementary concepts of  Christ. They think that they have arrived and this is all that there is. All the while they look for some distant heaven or a so-called rapture where all their troubles will be over as they walk on streets of gold! 

However, Scripture says ears have not heard neither have eyes seen the things that G-D has in store for those who have true love and are obedient to Commandments. Why?  The Christ summed the Commandments up, the baisc Law of life in two principles: Love and honor for G-D and love and honor for others.

Many religious leaders of today teach tradition and what I call the 'topical' aspects of the Bible. They teach from their intellect not having experienced the revelation that would cause them to expound from tested, tried and true anointed consciousness. Therefore, they haven't a clue as to the Divine Principles or the Divine Laws of Life enveloped within adhering to the Ten Commandments! 

This is what Peter was speaking of when he said that Paul warned us about unprincipled men! They are Law breakers! They are Covenant Breakers! They teach the people to be disobedient to and reject the Principles and Laws that will lead them to a life in Heaven! 
People all around the world  are hungry for Truth, however, many cannot identify it because of the lower beastly mindset they have become acclimated to. Many attack the Enlightened Channels or oracles while the majority of their religious leaders plagiarize Revelation received by them. This leads to those leaders regurgitating truth; watering it down to fit their agenda of controlling the people. They come against Truth and teach the people to reject the very Principles that will bring them freedom and into Christ Consciousness. They, therefore, teach the people instead of Truth, error and traditions of men.

Without a doubt, our old nature or the old man is being transformed from glory to glory as we ascend from one level of spiritual growth to the next level. This growth and ascension process continues until we have been totally transfigured in our spirit by the Spirit of Burning. 

We leave the old sense man from seeing ourselves as imperfect to being perfect; from being limited to becoming unlimited; from mortal to immortal; from temporal to eternal; from being separated from G-D to god consciousness; and, ultimately Divine Union.

Apostle Rubie James with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback and e-Book at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or Amazon: 

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