Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Scripture admonishes us to become the righteousness of G-D! What does it actually mean to be righteous?

Paul writes  “He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of G-D ‘in-Him’”.

I remember being sent to a place and hearing the “In-Him” message some years ago. As I looked back, the person obviously had not received revelation but was rehashing and possibly plagiarizing someone else’s message, very ineffectively I might add. I thought possibly, as a minister, that I had missed something. I began to do what anyone concerned about walking in Light would do—I began to question and analyze myself. However, I soon came to realize that that person had not experienced what he was teaching, therefore unable to release with conviction and a full knowledge of the message. It was like listening to and watching a babe learning to talk. Thinking that it had the words down and actually making sense to those of whom it spoke as it gurgled happily excitedly waving its arms.

I find the same thing going on today. This lack of research, study, experiences and the ability to transcend the spirit realms to receive Truth and Revelation.  It seems humans have become lost in a popular frenzy, stealing and regurgitating some other man or woman hard work and sacrifices. However, they cannot release effectively because they have not experienced eating at the Masters Table in the Holy Place. Let alone, have they been granted access into the Holy of Holies into the Presence where Revelation is actually given. Therefore, they become ineffective conduits perpetuating small amounts of truth watered down by perhaps an elaborate show of seminary theological tactics or theatrics designed to boost the spirit of the people in an excited state of “feel-good”! They make people ‘feel’ as if they are receiving an anointed message. The people then walk away feeling good, however, could not actually say what the message was about or what they learned or if what they received would cause them to grow.

These are they who think because they were made to feel good and to feel a move of the Spirit that everything is all good. They had a visitation of Spirit and that is what they have become acclimated to going to church for—make me feel good! Ever learning but never coming into the knowledge of Truth or should I say ever feeling good seeking that touch yet not receiving why Spirit was there to begin with.

However, the people are hungry for Truth and Revelation. The “cover” to the Mysteries of the Kingdom has been taken off and the table is spread for all who would  enter in to feast at the Table of ‘Shew Bread’ and to go ‘Beyond the Veil’! Without a doubt the veil has been torn allowing all access into the Holy Place, however, many are they who cannot see the way to  enter in.

Therefore, how does one become the Righteousness of G-D if they do not enter into the Holy place? Everyone is seeking a higher level, perhaps a position, without an awareness of their proposed or intended purpose. Therefore, unless one knows Who they are, Why they are here and what their purpose on this earth to do is, they cannot enter into that spiritual realm of Righteousness. 

In order to enter in, one must know the three “W’s”, as I call them. Who, Why, and What.

The Enlightened Ones or in Christianity, the Prophets and the Apostles  were specifically chosen as the ‘foundations’ to teach the three W’s, however, we are not going to spend time on that subject because becoming the Righteousness of  G-D is for whosoever will; teaching how to become the righteousness is for the Enlightened Ones.
We humans must really stop the fairytale stuff and come into the realization that we are NOT accidents! We were NOT hap-hazzardly born or put on this earth and that we all have a purpose and vision. We merely must stop playing church and come to that realization.

If you are sitting under a leader who has this goal in mind, that is, for you to reach your full potential, you are where you belong. Therefore stop fusing and fighting with what is being revealed to you, receive it and allow Spirit to work the reality of it into your life. On the other hand, if that leaders mind is set on anything else, you need to leave that place!

There are a Select Group, called the Remnant or the Elect, that has been Predestined for such a purpose and they are being revealed. “For whom He  foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the IMAGE OF HIS SON” …whom also was Called and Justified and glorified, ‘In-Him’. The Elect were Predestined before the foundation of the Worlds. “Also, we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to purpose, who works ALL things after the Counsel of His Will that we who find our HOPE as a Christ should be to the praise of  Glory!  When humans Become as I AM, this is the Righteousness of G-D—The Righteousness of  of G-D!

To become a Christ is the hope of our glory! The Righteousness of G-D is to receive ones inheritance as a Son; to enter into  Christhood; to be restored as gods. This is how G-D is glorified! This is how humans receive their Glory and Righteousness! Therefore, if you are walking any other way, you ware walking below your means. 

Many are they who says, “Yahshua-Jesus is the Way, Truth and Light and that no man comes to the Father except through the Son”. Mindsets needs to be changed and renewed to receive the prophetical  esoteric aspects in the messages that Spirit has given to us. 

The Christ was our example of how to walk and receive our ‘inheritance’ because mankind had clouded the gospel and the Way with nonessential and their traditions. Today, the same thing is happening within the churches. This is why the unrest and why the are being scrutinized. We will continue to see not only this but we will see an increase of other sudden tell-tell signs that will move them out of the way ‘by any means necessary’.

Let me tell you all that this, the one many call Jesus, Yahshua is NOT going to come back and show you again! The Way has been shown and given. Yet many forsaking the right way, have gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam…who loved the wages of unrighteousness…speaking arrogant words of vanity they entice fleshly desires…promising freedom while they themselves are slaves. They are slaves to a religious System that speaks revolt and rejection of true spirituality! It would be better had they not known the way of righteousness than having known it and turn away.

For the sake of clarity, Balaam is translated lord of the people or those who lord over humans to teach them and lead them to an unfilled purpose. In the esoteric and prophetic sense, Balaam is the mental senses within man. Balaam is a foreign thought. This foreign thought or mindset cannot fight openly for Truth but seek subtle ways to undermine, adulterate and destroy truth and distort the thoughts and minds of the people to be restored to a ‘more excellent way’, perfect comprehension, realization, and expression of reality. They do this by keeping them in the sense or fleshly realm. 

Balaam could not curse Israel but he lead them into spiritual idolatry and fornication that they might be enslaved.

The Hebrew word ‘tsadaq’ [tsaw-dak] used for righteousness is defined as to be justified; to be turned to righteousness; to make right. Objectively to be just, have moral virtue. Paul was speaking of and calling on the Christians to be equitable in their conduct and actions; to be holy specifically to be justified by truth; to be justified in their purpose; to be justified in the Faith.

To become the Righteousness of G-D is to come into Divine Union with. In order for one to come into Divine Union, one must receive their ‘Inheritance as  Christs. There is no other way to the Father other than one becoming a Christ. “Anyone who do not practice righteousness is not of G-D. The righteousness of G-D is revealed  as one transcends spiritual levels from faith to faith”.
Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback and e-Book at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or Amazon: 
paperback book available in Ghana only
233 Country Code 
050 314 4527
0243 283 616


Monday, February 13, 2012


The word 'Maat' or 'ma'at' is the ancient Egyptian Concept of divine law, divine order,  divine balance, divine truth, morality and divine justice. 

'Malak' in the Hebrew is king and represents one becoming a ruler and a kingdom Metaphorically, a creator and ruler over ones own life. It means for one to ascend and/or to be inducted into royalty. Interestingly enough, the Greek word for Kingdom is basileia which means royalty; to rule. The root word of basileia is 'basis'. The notion of a foundation of power; to walk in or rule in the power and dominion that was given to humans! To reign and have rule over ones own life! How is this accomplished? One must know the Principles that governs their life. One must know Law! Grace is good, however, grace alone will not bring our hopes, desires and thoughts to fruition.

The Master and Ancients of old discovered and walked in the Light and Illumination of these Ancient Laws.  They  learned how to invoke and harness the power of them.  This does not mean that today these laws do not exist. Our Ancestors had the power and revelation of the  SUN or as Sons and were given the 'basis' of Divine Universal Law written within 42-Principles.  These Principles, a few thousand years later became codified into Ten Words or the Ten-Commandments. 

Out of necessity of an advancing civilization, religion added to those Principles Civil Laws to govern society, just as Civil Laws of today were instituted in order to have mandates to govern  society. 
These same Principles, a few thousand years later were summed up in the saying, "on these two 'hang' all the Law and the Prophets"

The Commandments, Priestly Law and the Civil Law were combined and  'hung' in the Town Square so that all could look upon them and be reminded as to how to conduct themselves.  

Religion however eventually took on the belief that the Ten Words were now Two. This is when many Christians supposed, that these governing Principles were "hung" on the Cross and  became no longer applicable to us today!  However, the Christ-man was saying that the Principles contained within the Commandments and  the Prophets (Torah and the Books of the Prophets) are wholly dependent upon one being in adherence to the other. Christ summed the law up into 'Two'!--You shall love  God with all your heart, mind,  body,  soul and strength and the second is like it; you shall love your neighbor as yourself.  

What he was saying was that if you love the Creator and the god within you will honor the first four Principles  and if you love your neighbor as you do yourself that you will adhere to the other six Principles.  This is the entire basis of the Law--"On these two basics hang all  Law and the words of the Prophets"--Love! 

The Old Levitical Priesthood, inordinately, at times arbitrarily added edicts, codes and commandments called the 'Priestly Law'. Of these Laws were said, "in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men. Neglecting the Commandment...you set aside the to keep your tradition"...You have taken away the 'key' of knowledge; you did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered."   
With the inauguration  of the Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek, this invalidated the priesthood of old. In addition to invalidating and doing away with the Levitical Priesthood, along with the codes, edicts and laws imposed upon the people that became a yoke to the adherence to Divine Law.  

The Priestly Laws were invalidated becoming null and void. In Egypt (Maat) the 42-Principles  thousands of years later were reaffirmed and summarized in the 10-Commandments.  The Ten Commandments were a   synopsis of  the original 42-Principles of the Ancient One's.  It is in these Principles that hold the Mysteries and  power behind  Divine Universal Law. 

Scripture says, "when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part will be done away with"! We know in part, but when we come face to face with Divine Knowledge, implementing Divine Law, we are able to exercise that knowledge into a wisdom of divine thought that produces a manifestation of spirituality or reality. 

Spirit knows and She cannot stop knowing for She is Mother Sophia; Wisdom and Truth! She is Knowledge and is forever setting the Law of Her Being into motion projecting and/or giving birth to Her children. Therefore, all Laws have always existed. It is only "when we know fully that we shall be fully known". ~jp. 

When we have a working knowledge of Divine Universal Law we can understand them and the necessity to come into compliance of them. We can then make an intelligent choice to allow Law to work and/or manifest in form and reality on our behalf. 

Proper thought with proper action harmonizes with Divine Spirit invoking a physical manifestation from the Spirit Realm!

As above so below. All things already exist in the spirit realm and awaits humans to tap into it! For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for us groaning to be free.

Creation itself will be set free to exist and evolve once we receive the knowledge of freedom of the hope of our glory of our Ancestors as the Righteousness of G-D, as gods. This glory is to be esteemed with honor!
What does this mean? It means that the Laws or Principles set forth in creating from the beginning of time is for the purpose and use of mankind to discover and apply these laws to our lives. It means that these laws are free to work on our behalf to bring us into freedom and reality. "In order that the requirement of Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh but Spirit".

This word 'requirement' comes from the Greek 'dikaioo', which is a equitable deed implying a statue or a decision—to be justified in  ordinance to righteousness. For through Universal Divine Law comes the knowledge of error, shortcomings and growth! It is through acknowledgement and invoking of Universal Divine Law one becomes righteous! Therefore, we are able to walk blamelessly transcending the spiritual realms of reality.

The short of it,  to  walk in righteousness of one's Christ mind or spiritually anointed mind or god consciousness is to make knowledgeable, wise, and just choices, within the boundaries of the Principles that would cause positive effects, growth and change. It is in righteousness  where truth is revealed from faith to faith. 

Divine Universal Law dictates that "as a man thinks within his heart so is he"!  Divine Universal Law is "whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap".  Divine Universal Law has always been and will always be.

The consequences of ones lack of adherence to Law, thoughts and actions are revealed and becomes manifest as ungodliness and unrighteousness. "That which is known is evident because God has made it evident. Since the beginning of creation of the world Divine attributes, eternal power and Divine Nature have been clearly seen being understood through what was created.  Therefore, we are without excuse but many became futile in their speculations."

Not the hearers of the Law are just but the doers of Law will be justified.
One might, then ask what is sin?  What is missing the mark?  Sin is to fall into error.   To err is to go astray in thought or belief; to intentionally deviate from the true course, aim or ones purpose. One errors out of ignorance of not knowing!  Ignorance of the Law is no excuse!  'One is not judged by what they know but by what they do not know!'   It is those who know and are not obedient that they bring a greater judgment upon themselves.   

"To err is human"  is a popular saying. However, to err once one has come into the knowledge of Truth is  an abomination; Abomination of Desolation in a Holy Place!--the mind!  If one is living in desolation or barren, they are unfruitful and their thoughts become negative or antichrist.  They have lost the Hope of their Glory and have therefore become hopeless and deprived from coming into Reality.  That is missing the mark! Each human have been given free will to either accept or reject.

Scripture says, "Unless you are converted and become like children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven". What was this verse saying? What does it mean to enter into the 'Kingdom of Heaven'? It means to humble yourself! To Become! To convert means to change ones mind and actions. To be converted means to turn in another direction; to turn around again; to reverse ones actions and performance to that of righteousness.  

We must be restored back to the Principles and Precepts given to our Ancestors that through religion was denigrated, demonized and watered down to nothingness!

The 'Requirements', Precepts and Principles for entering into  the Kingdom, as watered-down and white-washed as they have become, has been laid out in the Scriptures.   To enter into the Kingdom of Heaven one must believe and know that the Kingdom is within the heart of man. We must look within ourselves. We have been given the keys of the Kingdom written upon the tablets of  our heart! The Enlightened One's, Apostles, Prophets and Spiritual Guides have been charged to direct the people on  how to use the keys to unlock the Mysteries! 

Until one comes into the knowledge of and particularly the realization of these Mysteries for themselves, those looking for a Second Advent, an Armageddon and End of the World will never reach that place they call Heaven! They will never come into the realization of their Life-Purpose! They will never obtain that heavenly state, at least not in this lifetime.

As stated many times before, heaven is a state of mind.  The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual  realm and concept that one must  mentally and spiritually enter.  The Kingdom of Heaven is the presence of Joy and Peace in ones renewed and restored mind and spirit!  The Kingdom is NOW!  

The Christ  proclaimed, the kingdom of heaven was near. He was saying that we can enter in  and showed us how to do it. Heaven is making the shift into Restoration, entering into spiritual reality of Divine Union. 

Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback and e-Book at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or Amazon: 

paperback book available in Ghana
233 Country Code 
050 314 4527
0243 283 616


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Divine Universal Law has always existed and will always exist. All law is because of Divine Universal Law and exists because of it! For those of you who thinks, believes and teaches that the Christ-man many call Jesus 'did away with the Law' and that the Law contained in Torah or the so-called Old Testament is no longer binding; that humans are no longer governed by a divine law but grace', you error against yourself and create a rift in the fabrics of unity and healing of society.

It really does not take that much to figure out what is wrong with the church today. They are out of Order! When the people learn to come into Divine Order and come under Divine Law, they will be able to meet their true Mission—A Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, Living Stones being built up into a Spiritual House as a Christ--a United Nation!

Allow me to let you all in on a little secret! There is no African church, there is no European church, there is no American church, there is no Asian church, there is no Latino church, there is no Australian church! There is only the Divine Universal Body! Whether one wants to believe it or not, we are all connected. We are connected by Divine Energy and Spiritual Matter. We are connected through thought waves and vibrations. We all are culpable to Universal Divine Laws. If we can grasp the divine idea that our thoughts become things that have an effect on our life and those around us to either destruction or success, we shall at once recognize the utter futility of our selfishness, and lawless natures.

However, to say that the Law set in order and used to create no longer exists, because we are in a dispensation of grace; and, that grace took its place, is the silliest thing that anyone can ever believe. Just think about it! That is just like saying that grace took the place of gravity and we no longer need gravity and that gravity is not tenable  for us today.

Just as Divine Law has always and will always exist, so will gravity. Electric energy and matter has always existed. However, until Sir Isaac Newton thought about and contemplated on the change of velocity or acceleration of an apple falling from a tree, he would not have understood nor come up with the Universal Law of Gravitation. Yet, the Law was already in existence. If Thomas Edison or Ben Franklin had not gained knowledge of William Gilberts term 'electricity', they would have never received knowledge to harness that 'static' energy called the Law of Electricity!

Therefore, Divine Law, as set forth in Torah is the basic guideline and pertinent to living and growing into our created purpose, having dominion with clarity, while sojourning through this physical existence to reach a higher spiritual realm! This is our destination! Call it heaven, call it paradise, call it rebirth, call it nirvana, call it reincarnation...It doesn't matter what one calls it, it is certain that we all have a destination. So then, why not live as if we have purpose within the guidelines, knowledge and positiveness that Divine Universal Law rewards us with, if we grasp and utilize its concepts walking in its principles working them for good?

English Poet, John Milton wrote: The mind in itself and in its own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell.” This is why I teach that the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of mind. One can either accept to reside in heaven or hell; be a pessimist or an optimist. Release positive thought or negative thought.

Yahshua-Jesus says, "Unless you are converted and become like children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven". What was He saying? What does it mean to enter into the 'Kingdom of Heaven'? It means to humble yourself having no preconceived notions, innocently, inquisitively willing to learn. 

To convert means to change ones mind and actions. To be converted means to turn in another direction; to turn around again; to reverse ones actions and performance. To turn around again implies that one was previously in a place and/or state. This means that one must be restored or return to that they once were.  To restore or renew is to do a new thing; to go forward to make haste to change to grow up!

A child is innocent! Their mind is forever inquiring and learning of the wonders of life. Then we start to teach them imposing our thoughts, experiences and lifestyles upon them. This is what Christ was talking about when He said, "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, is better that a millstone be hung about the neck and that he be cast into the sea..." 

The millstone depicts a weight of bondage and confirmation to the earthly way or the selfish beastly  nature of an unchanged or unconverted human.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect. If we are walking in error, imposing our personal proclivities upon others, particularly our children, the effect of our actions will certainly be revisited upon us drowning us in the sea of contempt and/or error. Our negative or erroneous inclinations are revisited because we forgot or lost memory of our godhood. 

We then strayed from or attempted to circumvent the effects of misuse of law  in our lives by walking around them or ignoring them. As a consequence, it was just like walking into a pool of quicksand. We forgot the law of gravity and resistance! The more we struggled, trying to free ourselves, the quicker we sunk into lawlessness forgetting the principles that would ultimately set us free bringing us back into right thinking!
Apostle Rubie James

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/220014Download with our compliments and sincere thanks for your support 101Things I AM FREE! 101 THINGS I AM also contains a glossary of terms and words used by the Apostle to quicken ones understanding of  prophetic prose. (click on photo or above link)

Apostle Rubie James is a published author who writes under the pseudonym JEWELS PROPHET.  Review and purchase her books in paperback and e-Book at Amazon (click on Jewels Prophet) or Amazon: 
paperback book available in Ghana only
233 Country Code 
050 314 4527
0243 283 616